Nature Walk
What a beautiful photo you have of your family in a field!! Wonderful layout!
Thank you, but it's a stock photo. We don't have any professional photo shoots of our family, but I appreciate your kind comments.
Wow, I just love the composition of this page. Your photo masking (lol, and it's fine that it's a stock photo), and your gorgeous clusters with the paint elements behind it give it such a beautiful, artsy feel. I just LOVE the painted elements in the sky.....stunning! PBP Picked!
Wow, I just love the composition of this page. Your photo masking (lol, and it's fine that it's a stock photo), and your gorgeous clusters with the paint elements behind it give it such a beautiful, artsy feel. I just LOVE the painted elements in the sky.....stunning! PBP Picked!
Thank you so much - I'm so honored!!

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