

We took our granddaughter (aka Cupcake) to the aquarium and she loved the jellyfish rooms. The colors glowed in brilliant neon & were constantly changing. The colors were so brilliant, everything in the room transformed to that color. Cupcake was amazed! She loved, loved being blue because it is her favorite color.....well, it was this day. She loved seeing us turn colors and just giggled at us! So I dared myself to use a picture of her sitting on a toy jellyfish for this challenge, and surprisingly.....it fit really well into the kit I chose after playing around with it.. I pray I did the challenge as you asked.
I just totally love this! I had to do a double take when I thought I saw her sitting there underwater with fish swimming all around her, until I saw which challenge this was. You did a great job
I just totally love this! I had to do a double take when I thought I saw her sitting there underwater with fish swimming all around her, until I saw which challenge this was. You did a great job
Thank you so very much for the very kind words! She does look like she is down in the ocean, doesn't she? That is all due to the awesome kit by HSA.
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Heartstrings Scrap Art, The Great Digi Scrap Off,

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