Take Flight - Bellisae Designs
Journaling reads: On August 18th I woke around 5:00 to the bedroom spinning and my eyes not able to stop moving. I couldn’t get out of bed, so just laid there testing my eyesight every few minutes. After a couple of hours I finally woke Steve and asked him to call 911. I knew I wasn’t able to get out of bed; it felt like the absolute worst night of drinking I’d ever had. After being transported to the hospital, they put me through a series of tests and decided to keep me overnight since they weren’t able to come up with a clear diagnosis. I was unable to open my eyes for the entire day due to Nystagmus and the intensity of the overhead lights. I kept a washcloth over them to subdue the intensity of the light on my eyelids. They finally gave me medication around 4:00 that afternoon after they were able to rule out any serious brain injury. By 2:00 a.m. the next day, I could finally open my eyes, but still couldn’t focus on anything due to the Nystagmus. By 1:00 the next day, after seeing a Physical Therapist, they diagnosed Vestibular Neuritis, which just means a virus of my Vestibular Nerve. There’s no explanation as to what caused it since I hadn’t been sick. I worked really hard to get released that afternoon since I got no rest the night before. I was so happy to get home and start my recovery, although I was very scared that maybe this would be the new “norm”. I couldn’t motor around the house on my own; I had to use a walker and Steve had to help me up and down the stairs. I couldn’t shower alone, I couldn’t read, I couldn’t watch t.v., I couldn’t use my computer. My only option was to listen to books for the first week. I couldn’t have company because I couldn’t move my eyes to have a conversation. I started seeing an acupuncturist and with treatment and time, I was finally able to recover after three weeks. So glad to put that chapter to bed.