PBP GDSO Wk1 Showstopper.jpg

PBP GDSO Wk1 Showstopper.jpg

Journaling: This topic doesn't always make the news but it's REAL. People abandon animals some as puppies/kittens others as adult dogs and cats in rural areas where the chances of anyone finding them is almost zero. My blood boils over this! I guess they either just don't want them or can't afford to take care of them BUT ... there are several shelters around my area that will take them in no questions asked. So I really have no idea why people do this. In our area doing that is a death sentence no food, water and the coyotes, mountain lions and other wild animals are everywhere. I think of what kind of human being can do this when these animals are so innocent and dependent upon humans. When I see these abandoned animals I've taken several back to our ranch to love and care for them. Other times I'll take them to the shelter because they just won't work with what we already have.
So sad... but it's true and I really understand all your anger - gorgeous photo less page
and - we have a cat from the rescue. When she was found, she had been carelessly injured in a ditch

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The Great Digi Scrap Off
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PBP GDSO Wk1 Showstopper.jpg
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