Fairy Princess Tasha

Fairy Princess Tasha

I had to do this LO, my youngest DD said I ALWAYS do LO's of her sister, and she wanted to be a Fairy Princess! So here she is - LOL. Thanks for looking.
Journaling reads:
Princess Tasha wasn't going to wait around for her Prince to come! She was off into the dark, scary forest to go get him, herself!
Papers Weeds & Wildflowers Lazy Days
Reverie butterfly Weeds & Wildflowers
Wings, Crown & Wand B Hesselburg I believe in Fairies
Gem Brad Faith True
Foliage Brushes Jason Gaylor
Castle Brush Susan Long
Font Dear Joe
Beautiful. Love the journalling. I reckon its our job to raise strong, powerful females!
Wonderful page! I once made a LO with myself as a fairy princess *lol*
I am addicted to fairy pages and this one is so sweet.

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