jenyurko Yesterday at 7:58 PM Aw, sounds like you gals have a lot of fun. Nicely done on the challenge!
Fayette Yesterday at 9:52 PM What a great layout about a wonderful hobby! I just started piecing quilt blocks this year. Lol, I'm still learning!
What a great layout about a wonderful hobby! I just started piecing quilt blocks this year. Lol, I'm still learning!
robinsismai Today at 12:44 AM Great cluster and beautiful photo! I really love the way you scattered the sewing elements around your journaling.
Great cluster and beautiful photo! I really love the way you scattered the sewing elements around your journaling.
G G Gaye Today at 11:04 AM wow lots of work went into this beautiful layout, love the journaling and the whole story that both the words and the elements portray xxx
wow lots of work went into this beautiful layout, love the journaling and the whole story that both the words and the elements portray xxx