I love traveling in my little yellow Kia Soul (2014). It is the only car I have ever paid off and kept for all of these years. All other cars we traded in for a newer and better model after a couple of years. My husband keeps saying we need to sell it as it's old and losing value but it is in near perfect condition and has a brand new motor so I say it has great value - to me!! We, my little Kia Soul & I, have wonderful memories of chasing storm clouds, searching for wildflowers and sunflowers in the mountains of Arizona, Utah and Wyoming. And I have used its image as my profile photo many times. My Arizona license plate was KIDYKRR because I feel like a kid when I drive it. Now I live in Wyoming and I need a bucking bronco license plate because I get a kick out of life in my little Kia Soul!
Travel Addict Mega Collection by
Heartstrings Scrap Art