My layout created using CarolW Designs kit entitled Moments in Time. Font is Arial Bold. Photos are mine.
Journaling reads:
I have had a few different hobbies through my lifetime but the one that really has lasted for years has been my love of scrapbooking. A love that came from my mother. She has left us many, many old traditional scrapbooks she created from her wedding in 1936 on through to her passing in 1968. I go through these albums off and on in pursuit of old time photos for me to scrap! I started the traditional paper scrapping quite young also. Then back in around 2005 or so I was introduced by my sister to the Creative Memories traditional scrapping and it started another whole round of love for it. When CM brought out the Digital Scrapping I jumped right in. Unfortunately CM stopped production until it was taken over by others but I didn’t get back into the digital part again. Then I started visiting different scrapping sites and ended up becoming a CT member for some. I also loved doing challenges and worked on those a lot also. These 3 pics are from my CM Story Book I had published from my first attempt way back when!