Layout for Mar25 GDSO Week 1 Technique – Journaling challenge
Kits used: JBS-IAABooked-mk, jbs-happyplace, JBS-ILovePhotography, JBS-TheBeautyOfSolitude-mk, JBS-PressPause, JBS-NewHorizons

journaling reads: I have a few hobbies, but between scrapbooking and reading there is not much time to pursue the others. However I find reading to be absolutely relaxing and enjoyable. It's how I start my day, reading a chapter or two while eating breakfast. It's also how I unwind after work and even quieten down before falling asleep. Reading it my escape from the world and just time for me to enjoy some "alone" time. There are even days when I won't move off the couch, except to get coffee refills, because my book is just so enjoyable. Give me a good book and I will be a very happy lady! Every year I set myself a goal of how many books to read and I am amazed when I surpass that number. This year was an especially good year for reading.
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Your design is wonderful, Cathy! As a fellow reader, I never would have thought to create a page as beautiful as this to showcase my love for books. I might just have to "scraplift" your idea! LOL. I've never tracked my books either, though I'm sure my Kindle does that for me. I really appreciate all the bits and pieces you've incorporated, like tags, journal cards, and paper pieces. That bottom border perfectly balances the entire page. Fantastic work!

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The Great Digi Scrap Off, Just Because Studio,

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Date taken
Thu, 06 March 2025 10:12 PM
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