Week 2 Showstopper Genealogy

Week 2 Showstopper Genealogy

SF Family History Chart off site
HSA Wander Woman https://pickleberrypop.com/shop/Wander-Woman-Page-Kit.html
HSA Snapshot of Life https://pickleberrypop.com/shop/Snapshot-of-Life-Elements.html
HSA Nest https://pickleberrypop.com/shop/Nest-My-Heart-is-Your-Home-Kit.html
Credit Links
Font Battalion Commander Italics Blue Highway
Photos are mine.
Wander Woman, Nest and Snapshot of Life are from Heartstring Arts. Credit in comments
Yes you can get so lost in the details and the tree is so very hard to organize both paper wise and even on the ancestry sites on the net. So frustrating following the wrong family - I had a family line that I was not sure of and could not find the documentation to definitively verify it but fortunately DNA proved it to be true. You are very lucky to have photos of your Gt Gt Grandparents. Lovely family tree page. Thank you for participating in the challenge.

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Pickleberry Pop March Challenges - A Week 2 Showstopper Genealogy Family Tree).jpg
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