GDSO Week 2 Show Stopper Challenge Geneology

GDSO Week 2 Show Stopper Challenge Geneology

  • moemc
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Reactions: jenyurko
What a handsome couple your parents made. Interesting journaling - your Dad and his brother both born on the same day, years apart. Two of my nephews (my brother's sons) were also born on the same day in March years apart. Your Dad must have been quite lost when your Mom died after such a long and loving marriage. Beautiful family photo and it suits the round frame perfectly. Beaut composition and lovely tree in the background. Thank you for participating in the challenge.
What a handsome couple your parents made. Interesting journaling - your Dad and his brother both born on the same day, years apart. Two of my nephews (my brother's sons) were also born on the same day in March years apart. Your Dad must have been quite lost when your Mom died after such a long and loving marriage. Beautiful family photo and it suits the round frame perfectly. Beaut composition and lovely tree in the background. Thank you for participating in the challenge.
Thank you so much - I enjoyed doing this so much

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The Great Digi Scrap Off, Just Because Studio,

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GDSO Week 2 Show Stopper Challenge Geneology JB Studio My People Collection.jpg
File size
81.3 KB
600px x 600px

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