

WEEK 4 - SHOWSTOPPER: What Makes You Mad?
Can you tell me WHY kids fight against you about doing the dishes? WHY can’t they just cooperate?

Logan & Morgan were assigned the dishes. Logan was ticked at Morgan because he neglected to do the lunch dishes. They bickered about it for several minutes until I had enough. I got the painters tape and taped their mouths. End of discussion!

That was 6 years ago and now Logan is in College and Morgan is in the Army.

Template and Kit: Not Today [Bundle] by Cindy Ritter
Oh my! That made me laugh! I have 2 boys, 2 years apart, they always bicker over every little thing. Never thought of using painters tape! I love your layout!
Oh my! That made me laugh! I have 2 boys, 2 years apart, they always bicker over every little thing. Never thought of using painters tape! I love your layout!
It really did work great and now that they are 20 and 18 they still laugh at this moment..
HA HA HA....what a great story! I had a daughter that used to slam her door. My solution was to take her door off of the hinges so she didn't have one to slam anymore. *snicker* Very effective...just like the duct tape. GREAT layout!
HA HA HA....what a great story! I had a daughter that used to slam her door. My solution was to take her door off of the hinges so she didn't have one to slam anymore. *snicker* Very effective...just like the duct tape. GREAT layout!
That's great Fayette!! I thought of that once but decided against it because I wanted a door to close off the mess inside so I didn't have to see it! Ha!
painters tape :roflmbofr:! i wish i had thought of that with my kids, hahaha! love the composition on this - and your lifted shadow on the title. great job on the challenge!

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The Great Digi Scrap Off, Cindy Ritter,

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