Little Moment-Big Story

Little Moment-Big Story

Yesterday we had the privilege of attending our niece’s wedding at the Sherman Library and Gardens in Corona del Mar, California. As she and her new husband started out to the recessional being played on the bagpipes (can you guess we are a proud Scottish family?) I was able to capture this photo of her joy at this long awaited event.

For the GDSO BBD challenge requirements most of the page items are from Great Moment from Sekada Designs indicated by GM-SD in my list. Some were from Little Joys from Bellisae Designs and those are indicated by LJ-BD in my list.
1. 2 papers blended together: GM-SD’s mix paper 9 and flower overlay paper 12
2. Large photo: Our niece at her wedding
3. Journaling (more than a 4 lines): all mine
4. Word strips: LJ-BD’s wa-big_story
5. 2 clusters consisting of 5 flowers: GM-SD’s flowers 2, 3a, 9 and LJ-BD’s flowers offwhite and darkblue and 2 foliage: twig 1 and twig 2
6. Buttons: GM-SD’s Button 1 (twice)
7. Paint splatters: GM-SD’s Paint Splatters used 3 times
8. Stitching LJ-BD’s stitch

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