Little fish

Little fish

[ksharonkdesigns] @ two little pixels and pickleberrypop
Paper Paper Essentials Garden Delights 1
Flowers, Branches, staples Small Packages Garden Delights 1
Stitched Frame, Paper Frame Small Packages Frames 6
Alpha Small Packages Alpha 7
Paper Tabs Serenity (former freebie)

Fonts CK Becky, Blackout and Century Gothic

Journalling reads:
I am so proud of you, you went from being a little reluctant to enter the water to being a little fishie in a single week!

Lots of early morning starts, quite often we finished eating our breakfast in the car on the way.

You had a lovely young girl called Rachel for your teacher, and she soon got you doing things that you didnt think you wanted to!

Theres no stopping you now! Any chance you get you are in the pool splashing around.

You have got really good at streamlining and are now trying some freestyle. Not quite a happening thing just yet, but its so good to see you so excited about swimming

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