My new puppy Corin and my son Isaiah adore each other!
Supplies (check out Tracy Ann's NSD sales!!)
Tadoodles Titles,
Tadoodles Tippy,
Ice Frames,
sparkles from
Tadoodles Delight
I had waited months for my new
puppy to join us. After deciding
which breeder I would work with,
I waited not-always-so-patiently
for the pups to be born. The litter
was smaller than expected, but
thankfully I had my name as
second on the list. When the pup
was 9 weeks old, we settled on
flight times and I picked him up
in cargo bay at the airport. I had
wanted a Great Pyrenees dog for
years, and am glad I waited for
just the right time. He fits in well!
tfl, susan