The Bird Battle

The Bird Battle

Everything by Kaye Winiecki and Tara Dunstan, All That Twitters kit, at Pickleberrypop.

Journaling reads:
This year a pair of doves became single-mindedly
determined to build a nest under the shelter of our back porch. We were just as determined to prevent the copious bird poop we had in years past from such nests! So, the birds built over one column repeatedly, and we took down their nest repeatedly (we sometimes tried to place it in a nearby tree to show them the real estate options they were ignoring!). Still they came back, switching from column to column. We removed the nests and installed bird spikes. Undaunted, the birds rebuilt again and again in the tiny spaces behind, and then on TOP of the bird spikes. Over and over. Finally, we think they have finally given up, but I still cringe every time I hear that rustle of wings outside the door . . .

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