2 Cute 2 Spook

2 Cute 2 Spook

This is my first attempt at posting my layouts. I've been digiscrapping for almost a year but everyone in the scrapping world is so talented, its a bit intimidating! :)

Boo, Web, Frame & Paper: Kimberly Cameron
Letters: I-dont-give-a-scrap.blogspot.com
Spider: caravan-gypsy.blogspot.com

Any comments are welcome. Thanks.
Oh I love, love this!!! Your title work is adorable and the small photos on the left side are such a nice touch,
This is so cute! She looks simply adorable in her Abby costume and your title work is perfect for the pics!
My goodness are your photos adorable! I really like your page design, with the large photo and smaller ones on the side, and the web just brings it all together perfectly. How cute is that alpha!
hehe Don't be intimidated, this is great! I love the design with the smaller pics down the side. ANd the photos are just so precious, I love her expression in the big one!
Awwww she sure is a cutie! Great page and congratulations on your first posting! Don't be intimidated! You did beautifully! Loving that spider web to bits!

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