Curious John

Curious John

A LO about my Dad. This is one of my favorite photos of him! The envelope and paper is the actual response he got (at age 12) from the newspaper. He carefully glued it onto cardboard and kept it!
I hope you can read the journaling.

From PickleberryPop:
KSharonK designs: Serene paper (blended in background)
Natalie Design: "Playing with Twine" String
DebF: Chip alpha from Laura's Pocket (love that alpha)

From Designer Digitals:
Lynn Grieveson: In Distress papers
Katie Pertiet: Vintage Frames Large, Pinned Frames, Stitching Holes
Anna Aspnes: brushes from Ad Challenge 17 Sep 2006

Typewriter alpha from "Cream Typewriter" by Meryl Bartho
Love the heritage/vintage design to this LO. Love your journaling as well. Terrific LO!
This is absolutely amazing - I love he kept all that ..and how you added it to the page. What a great job :)
perfect, wonderful. I love the distressed papers, the heritage look, I am very much a heritage scrapper, but also love other stuff. This is wonderful, especially the precious photo.

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