Santastic Season by Feli Designs and Studio 4 Designworks
at Digiridoo Scraps
Alpha Brilliant Christmas by Doudous Design
Poem says:
Look how December is snowing
Look out the window, my sweetheart,
Tell them to bring more embers
And let me hear the fire snapping.
Put the armchair by the stove
I want to hear the storm by the fire
Or just my weary days all the same
I want to learn their symphony.
Tell them to bring the tea as well,
And you should also come closer
Read me something from the poles
And lets get buried in an ocean of snow.
There is so much warmth here, at your place
And everything here seems holy to me
Look how December is snowing
Dont laugh, just keep reading!
Its daytime, but what darkness
Tell them to bring the lamp as well
Look, the snow is high like a mountain
And the doorknob is frozen too
Im not going home anymore today
Theres a flood behind and before me
Look how December is snowing
Dont laugh, just keep reading!
- G. Bacovia (Romanian poet) -