Extraordinary Spring

Extraordinary Spring

We have had more rain this spring than I can remember in decades. Here on California’s Central Coast our rain, if it comes at all, usually comes in the winter. These pics were taken in between showers last week when our fur baby desperately wanted to get out and stretch her legs. The fact that there was standing water in one of her favorite open spaces was not really surprising. Not even the fact that there were birds in the water (though usually we see egrets here after a rain). This extraordinary Spring let us see some beautiful Mallard ducks - two pairs each with a male and a female. To paraphrase Alfred Lord Tennyson, ”In the Spring a young duck’s fancy lightly turns to thoughts of love.” :)

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Reactions: Fayette
What a gorgeous page with these beautiful photos and I know - when it rains in California it pours. You warped the shadows on the frames in perfection - well done.
Thank you so much for taking part in the challenge.
Wow, this is such a lovely page. I LOVE the background you used behind your beautiful photos! I really love how you've made them part of the scene. Your elements and shadows are done beautifully!

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The Great Digi Scrap Off, Just Because Studio,

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