Family Tree
Title by Regina Falanga from June ‘22 Mojo Perks mini.
Everything else from PBP collab Chase Your Dreams mini, by CarolW, HeatherT, natali, bellisae, Lara’s Digi World, Heartstrings Scrap Art, Chunlin, Regina Falanga , and Dandelion Dust Designs.
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Reactions: jenyurko
Sharon how very interesting - I didn't realize that marriages were arranged in Lebanon. Loving your composition and your journaling - your clusters are so sweet and I love the little heart stack. Your Family Tree card is lovely. Thank you for participating in the challenge.
Sharon how very interesting - I didn't realize that marriages were arranged in Lebanon. Loving your composition and your journaling - your clusters are so sweet and I love the little heart stack. Your Family Tree card is lovely. Thank you for participating in the challenge.
Thanks for your kind words. Interestingly, the arranged marriages actually happened either on the boat over here or even among those already here.

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The Great Digi Scrap Off
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