Great Aunty Joyce and Anne (Mum)

Great Aunty Joyce and Anne (Mum)

The journalling says ... I know that had my Great Great Aunty been well enough to spend time telling stories she would have been recalling the fabulous social time she enjoyed in her teens and into her twenties and beyond.

The frivolity, dancing, and drinking during times when life was way more conservative and formal. I always remember my Aunty dancing, and thoroughly enjoying life in a thoroughly modern way. How here parents would have severely frowned upon her actions..

This photo is trying to show off the risqu nature of legs and was probably taken in about 1955. My mother Anne was about 10 years old at the time of this photo and was frequently photographed with her Aunt.

Kit Daintree Summer by eNKay found at Nuts4Digi here;productId=576


window from CR Art Gallery 2 kit

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