Happy memory

Happy memory

  • Yam
Happy memory of us still being a family, all as one. When I still had hope to keep us together forever. Happy memory of my father still alive, and my babies still little boys that I could take in my arms and protect and hug...they were my world and I was theirs. Today they still are my world but I am not theirs, and its OK as long as they are happy and safe. So many things happened since this picture was taken, 25 years ago...good and bad...most of all I miss to be a family again.
Everything from 2 peas in a bucket
Papers, frame and flower stamp from the kit Skylit from the Peony Place Collection by Carina Gardner
Date stamp from the Imprint V.4 by Carina Gardner
WA round from the Imprint V.8 by Carina Gardner
Photo mask from Photocuts masks V.7 by Carina Gardner
Borders from the Peony Place extras -"Pretty Borders" by Carina Gardner
WA Happy & Memory by Mary Ann Wise from the Handwritten words
WA Happiness & family by Mary Ann Wise from the Doublets
Font: Traveling Typewriter
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