This is page 2
So in July Nicholas threw a tantrum because Victoria did something and he threw a small humidor at her and the corner of the humidor hit her in the head and there was a nice sized gash on her head, me and Adam took turns holding her on our laps while we held a washcloth with ice on her head. We weren't sure if she would need stitches, she didn't she was really good about it, so once we got the bleeding to stop I wrapped her head and told her it was a head band, and she shouldn't touch it for the rest of the night. So here she is with her head bandaged up hugging her puppy and light up rubber ducky.
The journaling reads as follows:
Hope and Faith
That is waht gets me through these kinds of days. FAITH that they will learn from their mistakes, and HOPE that when they do injure themselves or each other, that it will not be serious.
I used Southern Creek Designs Doctor Doctor Kit