I am Josh
I still love this photo of him. I use it way too much on layouts but can't seem to help myself as it makes me smile just thinking of the whole day. We were practicing some new photography skills and he was our model for the day. 8 years later and I can hardly get him to look at the camera

Created by Jill Scraps

Rage Unleashed:
I love this pic, too! it really shows true personality - I just love those moments when I can get pics of my boys just being themselves, not making faces for the camera! This kit goes so well with your picture - makes for an excellent boys page!
When I look back at my older pictures of the boys with them actually smiling at the camera or even making a goofy face at the camera, I always sigh a little. Now, if I can get a good picture, it has to be without them knowing it - the pains us moms go through :)
What an awesome page! That photo is so full of spirit! Great masculane page with the metallic hardware

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*In Memory of Jill Walls
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