I can fly when I want to

I can fly when I want to

I have used Chunlin Designs HUGS for this LO.
A very beautiful kit.
Perfectly pink for my girl.
I started with the plain paper 11, added several elements and transfers and used both opacity, fill and blending layer mode multiply to make a background blended cluster in two places.
I blended a cut-out image of my daughter into the paper using just fill after I had used the soft round pressure opacity brush eraser in PS to fade the image out to extract it from its background then blended it in. I used a second paper and cut it out as a frame with the select and delete, and used two layers of the same made frame left and right of the second photo in front and behind the cutout photo to make it an OOB frame and faded it into the image. I used a splatter mask on the photo. I made a butterfly element from Chunlins flower and a rosebud and the antennae are from the top of the flower. The wings are two of the same flower back to back and turned sideways. I love to use elements in a kit to make new elements in a LO if I need another element not there that way it matches. Finally, I added more elements to form the cluster under the OOB framed image and some text over one of the blended transfer clusters in the lower left. And Voila, cest fini!
Credit Links
Credits thank you: Chunlin Designs: HUGS
Font: TeacherPurse, Techersub and Teacher sketchpad
Splatter Mask: shadow-house creations
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