Journalingchallenge 03/12

Journalingchallenge 03/12

Template by Eudora -twisted-
Spring Letter by Tiramisu Design

I love to cuddle with you or watching you. How you feed, sleep, doze or cuddle together.
Again and again you make me laugh. And in the night, when a dream waked me up, than you are the "one" who console me. Or lick me my tears from my face.
Everytime when I sea that you color yourself your fur with the carrots I must smile. You are so cuddly soft and I love your smell. I love your character - even when some of them annoy me (like Seppels love to my feets). But this character is it what you are. This character makes you to the bunnies, that I love so much!
And I hope that we have a lot of time together. Because without you my life would be very empty.
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