RAK from Catherine (THANK YOU!)
Beautiful new spring/Easter kit, SPRING RETREAT, by:
Catherine @ After 5 Designs
Available TODAY, and April Fools Day Surprise!!! (wasnt supposed to be released till tomorrow!!!!)
Tristan was born 2 months premature, as some of you know. It was touch and go for awhile. Steph managed to keep him in her womb for an extra week, barely allowed to move in her hospital bed, as his heartbeat kept doing odd things, all the while they pumped him full of steroids for his little lungs. Then he spent to weeks in NICU, connected to more wires and tubes than you could count. They had other babies in the ward weighing less than 3 lbs. The walls of the unit were littered with pictures of their little miracle children (one only a lb) showing them leading normal lives, playing soccer, football and any number of activities. The unit is unbelievable and each and every child that came out of there owed their lives to the devoted, caring staff. Tristan was larger than some at the time, and smaller than others, but he is our little miracle!