

According to the story, my name was actually supposed to be Linda. Apparently way back in the 50’s, when the baby was born the nurse would bring it to show the father and ask what name is to be given to the newborn. My parents had recently immigrated to Canada and had mutually agreed to give me a name popular at the time in this, their new country which was Linda however my father, when asked couldn’t quite remember and blurted out Lidia and made sure it was spelled with an “i”, not a “y”. Oops, no Linda for me! My mother was actually quite pleased with his mistake. Growing up though I hated my name because no one else had it, especially spelled with an “i”. I always wanted to be a Linda. As I grew up I accepted my name and now I get upset if someone spells it with a “y”. Go figure! My second name is after my paternal grandmother. Again it should have been Katherine but my father couldn’t remember the English spelling so he spelled it in Polish and there you go, Lidia Katarzyna!
Musiałem tylko pochwalić cię na twojej uroczej stronie i powiedzieć, jak bardzo podobało mi się czytanie twojej historii.
Loved reading about your name and how your father blurted out the "wrong" name! It's is a beautiful name...both first and middle! Beautiful layout, too!!
What a beautiful blended background and photo! I really like your name and the unusual spelling of it.

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