My babies ♥ - KitNipBox day!! Each month on (about) the 1st day of the month my kitties receive a box of new kitty toys. This month is fishing themed. They LOVE all their new toys each month!

Made with Makes Me Happy Kitten Bundle by Carol W Designs.
GDSO 5 week 2 Signature Challenge Template by Blue Heart Scraps.
Aww, love the adorable kitty pictures! Love your clustering and your shadowing, great job!
I've always wondered how the KitNipBoxes were...maybe our four feline babies need one, too!
Aww, love the adorable kitty pictures! Love your clustering and your shadowing, great job!
I've always wondered how the KitNipBoxes were...maybe our four feline babies need one, too!
We decided to try it when we first got the kittens. We only planned to get just 2 or 3 boxes but they love the new toys every month and it's good for them to have new toys. So we've kept it. And now we have so many toys but I have a rotation system now, lol. It keeps them interested and when they see an old toy come back out they get all excited again. It's only ~$20/month and they get 5 toys, all following a theme. Their favorite is always a wand toy to chase, plus we get to play with them. So we plan to continue but may consider going every other month. If you try the box out let me know how your kitties like it. ♥
The right page for me as a cat lover - gorgeous photos - I love your use of the template

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CarolW Designs, The Great Digi Scrap Off, Blue Heart Scraps,

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