Week 2 Show Stopper-Family Tree

Week 2 Show Stopper-Family Tree

Created with Just Because Studio's My People collection and a family tree template from edit.org

Font is Cookie, photos are personal

Journaling text:
My dad started researching our family tree many years ago. I have inherited his research & expanded on it. We have over
32,000 people in our family tree & over 9800 photos. I have traced our family back to each person who immigrated to the US.
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Reactions: jenyurko
Wow I thought I had done well with my 6,000 + people but you and your father have far exceeded that. It is rather addictive. Great photos and journaling. The font you have used is a great journaling font and your page beautifully balanced. Thank you for participating in the challenge.
WOW! My mom did a lot of researching on Ancestry.com --- for 3 different family trees! She loved it! You did a wonderful job on the challenge. Beautiful page!

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The Great Digi Scrap Off
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Week2 ShowStopper-FamilyTree smaller.jpg
File size
424 KB
900px x 900px

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