Meeting Logan

Meeting Logan

Credits: Layered templates (Spending Kisses, Template 1 and Mix & Match Back Stacks 2, Template 1) both by Little Bit Shoppe Designs and Day By Day Collection by Jen C Designs. Font is DJB All The Cool Chicks by Darcy Baldwin.
Journalling reads: Nan has always wanted to be present at the birth of one of my babies, but thanks to their prematurity and speedy deliveries, its never been possible for the first time she met any of them to take place outside of the special care baby unit. She almost got her wish with Logan, when I went into labour at home. He ended up being born 5 minutes away from her house in the back of the ambulance. Despite being early and small he became the first and only one of our children not requiring immediate attention from the special care baby unit. He was handed to me in the back of the ambulance and allowed to stay with me at the hospital. After I was all stitched up and they had a bed we were transferred up to a ward. I called Nan to ask her to bring Lukas up to the hospital to see his baby brother for the first time. Since there is limited visiting on the wards and Lisa was bringing her up along with Ella, we decided that it would be a better idea to head to the family area. Nan was able to get her first cuddle with him while we all chatted and took some family photos. A few hours later Logan went down to special care for some blood tests and ended up being admitted and staying for a while so they could resolve some of the jaundice and feeding issues he had. Its so nice that she finally managed to get a cuddle with one of my babies outside of a special care unit, I really treasure these photos. 04-08-09.
Day By Day Collection by Jen C Designs

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