MOMENTS CAPTURED - This little curio table was designed and built by my mother, JoAnn Forward Sessler in her wood shop class when she was 17 and a senior in high school (1946). She later said that it took her as long to make this as others who were making hope chests. She said, “It wasn’t very practical. Perhaps I should have made a hope chest.” I’m glad she didn’t. This little table showed her artist, creative talent and individuality. Her mother, my grandmother, kept it in her home with little family photos on it, under glass. I inherited it when Grandmother passed. Over the years, the legs and top started to get loose so my brother, Greg, who is a talented carpenter and woodworker, glued it securely back together, touched up the finish and brought it back to me. Greg also made Mom her first and only hope chest, that she cherished. When she passed, I inherited her hope chest too. These are precious heirlooms that I cherish. I intend to put little black and white photos of Mom and Dad (who were high school sweethearts), on the table and protect them with glass.
Memory Keeper Templates by
Heartstrings Scrap Art
Moment in Time: BBD Bundle by
Heartstrings Scrap Art