Susan - s3js Nov 10, 2021 Gina, this LO is amazing. I love that it reads monochrome - but it's not. So beautifully done I gave you a PBP Pick!
Gina, this LO is amazing. I love that it reads monochrome - but it's not. So beautifully done I gave you a PBP Pick!
gina Nov 11, 2021 Rochelle86 said: Beautiful LO! I love how you've placed the film strip under the picture! Click to expand... thank you so much, Rochelle
Rochelle86 said: Beautiful LO! I love how you've placed the film strip under the picture! Click to expand... thank you so much, Rochelle
gina Nov 11, 2021 Susan - s3js said: Gina, this LO is amazing. I love that it reads monochrome - but it's not. So beautifully done I gave you a PBP Pick! Click to expand... thank you so much, Susan
Susan - s3js said: Gina, this LO is amazing. I love that it reads monochrome - but it's not. So beautifully done I gave you a PBP Pick! Click to expand... thank you so much, Susan
gina Nov 11, 2021 sylvia said: congrats on PBP PICK - great page design Click to expand... thank you so much, Sylvia