Journal reads:
A half marathon race has been on my list of goals for a long time. I decided to sign up for the Buffalo Bills 50 Yard Line Half Marathon set to take place on June 30th, 2012 in Orchard Park, NY. It was a commitment and a promise to myself that I needed to justify the $75 fee with some hard training and getting myself physically back on track to complete the 13.1 miles. I signed up in February but quickly lost my focus and procrastinated on my training. It's so hard when you're struggling to pull yourself out.
The training never happened. A week before the race it was announced that it was cancelled. The company that was putting the race on basically took everyone's money and left town. The race wasn't happening and I secretly was relieved. This really stirred up a lot of animosity in the racing community and the local companies pulled the race together last minute.
I had two choices. Give up before I even started and not even bother to try. Or I could suck it up, dig deep, and just go out and do the very best I could. I chose to run. I knew there was no way I could give up on myself. I had no idea what I was in for since the furthest I have ever gone was 7 milesthis would be my furthest distance ever.
The morning of the race I decided that there was no pressure. This was more emotional for me than physical. I knew my body could do it, but could I will myself to complete the race and not give up? Even if I had to crawl to the finishI was going to get there. I just had to.
Right around the 8 mile mark I met up with a woman who was struggling just like me and we spent the next 2 miles encouraging each other to keep our legs moving. She was having a rougher time than me, but I wouldn't leave her behind. She was running with her daughter but she went ahead. After her daughter finished the race she came back to meet her Mom. She picked her up at around 11 miles and they all encouraged me to go ahead and continue my journey. At this point I was pretty convinced that we were the last 2 on the course so I just turned up my tunes and ran, for me.
This race originally inspired me because the finish line was on the 50 Yard Line of Ralph Wilson Stadium where the Buffalo Bills play. As a long-time fan, I couldn't imagine anything more exciting. I made the last turn from the parking lot heading up to the tunnel of the stadium and I could see the end. I was able to take a few minutes and reflect on how far I have come and at that very moment my thoughts turned to Mom and Dad. Funny, I hadn't thought of them the whole race but if they were still here they would have been there at the finish line cheering me on and beaming with pride. I suddenly became very emotional as this was the moment I realized that I was doing this alone. Just then two butterflies flitted across my path, circled around me briefly and just flew away. Mom and Dad were thereat the very time I needed them the most.
With some renewed energy, I made the last surge into the tunnel of the stadium and finished my race. They announced my name as I crossed the finish line at 3 hours and 15 minutesnot an impressive time what-so-everbut still one of the biggest accomplishments of my life. And to know I had my two angels with me the whole way made the journey that much sweeter.
Credits: Inspiration by Laura Burger
Patterned Papers
Eclectic Grunge Borders Set 2