gonewiththewind Oct 28, 2016 What a cutie! Love the wee bitty ghost and the owl up at the moon. Cute page!
Oldenmeade Oct 28, 2016 Awww isn't he the sweetest Jedi!  I really love what you've done with the kit - the repeated leaf motif, triple use of the circular frame, the wonderful cluster down the side - and even the title font.  Pickled Picked!
Awww isn't he the sweetest Jedi!  I really love what you've done with the kit - the repeated leaf motif, triple use of the circular frame, the wonderful cluster down the side - and even the title font.  Pickled Picked!
minicooper452 Oct 28, 2016 Oh my gosh what an adorable little Jedi! I'd follow him anywhere! Great choice of elements.