New Mom

New Mom

Grand kids have a new nephew. Zeke Ramirez was born 21 May 2020
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Reactions: jenyurko
What a great kit for these sweet pics. It's a shame they have to wear masks, but one day when little man asks they can tell him they loved him so much they wore the masks to keep him safe and well even when they just wanted to slather him with kisses!
OMG, first of all...CONGRATS!!! I'm sure there are so many things you'll never forget about having a baby during these trying times! Your layout is fantastic and I just love those photos!!
I love your composition here Dana. The linear lines and minimal elements create a clean and simple layout. Love the black and white photos with your color scheme. Going in PP.

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PBP May 2020-random.jpg
File size
86.1 KB
Date taken
Sat, 30 May 2020 1:44 PM
600px x 600px

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