Nine Candles

Nine Candles

My DD Susannah's birthday party. We've had Susannah since she was five weeks old, and I can't believe how quickly the time has passed.

Tracy Ann Digital Art:
Template slightly altered by me,
papers are Medley Fairy Floss and Medley Glitz,
OR best of all, save on the Medly Set One on sale for the ridiculously low price of $12.95!
cardboard flowers from Funky Polka Dots,
fonts are p22 typewriter and p22 cezanne.

It was cold outside, but inside the candles and bright colors
made it warm. You had asked for a Dora the Explorer theme, and we did our best to accommodate your request. The plates and favors were Dora, but the only piata we could find was a pink unicorn. Somehow, we think Dora
would approve. You certainly did, Susannah, and the party was declared nothing less than a success, especially after opening your Dora dolls and the Dora Chutes and Ladders game which your brothers, sisters, and nephew Joseph shared with you as you all learned to play together. The boys didnt last long though, before the group of them de-
volved into rowdier fare of tearing around the house at top speeds and shooting each other with the Transformer guns and water pistols they seemed to find, as only boys can. Thankfully your sisters were quite content to help you
play with your dolls and games! But I think your favorite present was from Maggie, a beautifully handmade
crocheted purse in which you toted around your dollies
at home, then ued it to carry your Bible to church
the next morning. Happy Birthday, my little girl, whos
not so little anymore! How did that happen so fast?

tfl, Susan

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