Now & Then

Now & Then

Journalling: "I can't believe how much time has passed and how old we both are now. You turned 13 last year and I only have 1 and a half years left of being a teenager! I hope that moving to Tom Price in 2005 was a good move, I sometimes get sad that I have missed watching you grow up. On the other hand, I did see you every xmas and maybe I wouldn't appreciate the time we do get together now if you played the part of the annoying little sis when I was a mood tween. I'm glad we both got to grow up in our own time, and I love you. You are such a kind, well-mannered young lady and I sorta wish I could take credit for it. 01/06/2010"

Credits: 'Bliss Alpha' by Lauren Reid
'Capture The Moment Alpha' by Designs by Lili
Labels from '365 Remembered - April' by Lauren Reid
BG Paper from 'Happy Place' by Lauren Reid
Circle Template and Doodle by Lauren Grier
Circle masked paper from 'Forever Moments' by Lauren Grier
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