Inspired by *Fabulously 4* by Jana Morton
All Papers and Elements: [ur=]Birthday Boy[/url] by Lindsay Jane
Journaling Reads: You are exactly 5 years old...You weigh 50 lbs. and are 42.5 inches love to play love Mario Bros. and Star Wars...Your favorite characters are Luigi and Yoda...That is because your favorite color is green...You play soccer, basketball, baseball, and think kindergarten is are learning to read and write...You love to draw and are quite good at it...Your favorite foods are french toast sticks, toaster streudel, cornbread and hot wake up every morning at 6:30...Still looking for milk and a have received several love notes...Probably because you have the most beautiful eyes and you smile all the time...You must wear socks to bed every night, with your blue blanket on top of you before the sheets, and your menagerie next to you...You are so easy-going and absolute joy to be around...You are an absolute treasure and WE LOVE YOU VERY MUCH!