Please take me home.

Please take me home.

Now I don't mean any offence with this image. I took this photo recently of my good friend Sandy and her hubby Phil.

Phil was a sweetie and had been modelling for me. Sandy was standing behind me laughing at us.
When I got Sandy to join Phil she went a bit shy on us, Phil said something really quietly to her, she leaned in and wham this is the photo I got!

Sandy and Phil both love it!

Supplies used for page are:

Vintage Charm @ twolittlepixels
Paper - Basic Black
Hearts - Vintage Hearts

[ksharonkdesigns] @ twolittlepixels and pickleberrypop
Metal Swirl - Small Packages Wire 1 (brand new!)

Font - Romantic

Journalling is the Lyrics to Paradise City (Guns and Roses)

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