Oh Ana this is BEAUTIFUL!! These are your dogs, right? Such an amazing composition and that photo treatment again... SO PERFECT! I'm pickle picking you :)
Wow, thank you so much Chantal! this are my baby dogs (Michelle, the big one and Diva, the little one ... and Diva´s toy, lol). So, so good to have a pick in the 1rst day of the year, thank you so much for that. Happy New Year Chantal!! :kiss2:
Yay...this is very deserving of PBPicked!! It's one fabulous lift and that it's YOUR dogs makes it double special!! Thanks for joining in on the challenge!! :kiss1:
Yay...this is very deserving of PBPicked!! It's one fabulous lift and that it's YOUR dogs makes it double special!! Thanks for joining in on the challenge!! :kiss1:
Thank you so much Glori!! It was a pleasure to play in your challenge. :kiss2:

Media information

PBP Team Challenges
Added by
Ana Santos
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Additional categories
Member's Gallery, Berry Princess CT Layouts, PBP Designer Galleries, Bellisae Designs,

Image metadata

Inspiration Challenge Final_600.jpg
File size
207.6 KB
600px x 599px

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