Princess Pee Pee Pants

Princess Pee Pee Pants

Journaling reads -
You loved to play dress up with anyone who would play along! You got a set of Disney princess shoes from Aunt Kristin and clothes from both Grandma Laurie and Grandma Kathy for the holidays. It is all put to play!
So I play along:
Princess Sydney - You make a lovely princess, but please put on your bloomers! It is not ladylike to gallivant around the castle in your skivvies. By order of the queen, apply some royal garments immediately and demonstrate some modesty fitting of a girl of your stature!

Color scheme - Victoria Feemster, OAKS Color Challenge Week of 11-11-07
All backgrounds, tag, gems, stitching, safety pin - Jessica David - Lilac Dreams Mini Kit, available at OAKS (very bottom layer background lightened slightly to fit color challenge needs)
Template - Jessica David, Stitched set 1 (turned), Stitched Set, available at OAKS
Fonts - Title - The King and Queen Font; Subtitle - 2Peas Hearts Delight, Melissa Baxter; Journaling - Pea Cammi-Pea, Fonts for Peas

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