

Journaling: Both boys will swear that this picture never happened, that I photoshopped it, but I know better. First of all, I really don’t have the photoshop skills and second, I don’t have the inclination to make the boys look like they are together when they really aren’t. Now, don’t get me wrong - I am good with photoshop, really good, but my skills aren’t  in photo manipulation and I have come to terms with the fact that my boys just aren’t the type that always want to be around each other. So all of this being said, I am not above sneaking a picture when they don’t expect it!
1. Ian’s favorite part of every vacation day - blowing bubbles in his coffee at breakfast! I wouldn’t think a 12 yr old would like coffee - plain with a little cream -  but he does. My strange child!
2. Several hundred miles from home, Alex is taking a break from a busy day. Everything is ok in his world as long as he has his stuffies - our stowaways on this trip.

 Credits: Just Relax Fusion Kit from Created By Jill

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