she was a gem

she was a gem

Long, long, ago, there was a precious gem. People from all around knew of her beauty and her many facets. This gem had magnificent powers, some were real some were passed down through the ages. there was fear, envy and desire for and towards the lovely gem. the gem sat very happy when not held by false pretenses. This gem would just shine and the shimmer when surrounded by truth and beauty.
As you can well imagine, the gem was wanted by both good and bad.
One winter day, the gem found herself in a good place, a place she felt was her home and the shine from this precious stone was beyond brilliant. She sat in a crown amidst other precious jewels. Mouths were shut and for once it seemed all was at rest.
The main thing about this gem, is that this is the shape she was made into and the shape that gives the most sparkle and brilliance.
Some thought to chip away at her
strength, others tried to use heat to
change her. It was impossible, for
to change her would be wrong.
The little gem did not fit in the
setting that had been made for
her, so she was tossed as a
common pebble to the ground.
There she sat, wondering if she
was still beautiful. A few picked her
up and saw the beauty.
Although still shinning brightly, her inability be like all the other gems in the crown had done their deed. The little gem found herself still just as strong, but not wanting to be part of any setting, but to be the gem she was supposed to be.
It turned out good for the gem really, as she gave light to many who didnt know they had beauty inside them. People without out names or importance to most. The gem realized that it her time seemed to be of worth.

ruby rynne
ruby (red sapphire translucent) from the internet
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