Gypsy Couture @ The Digi Chick
Paper Beyond Measure
Clock hands It could happen
Fastener Head in the clouds
Alphas A new chapter, Head in the clouds
Mira Designs @ The Digi Chick
Border Whole Set of Borders
Mari K Designs @ The Digi Chick
Swirls Fancy Swirls
Notepaper, lines Remarks Vol. 1
Tape, staples Remarks Journalling Mats
Label Labels
Alphas Sparkly Alpha, Sticker Alpha
Mikkel Paige @ The Digi Chick
Alpha White Corduroy
Sugar Plum Paperie @ The Digi Chick
Alphas Cardboard Sticker, Scuffed White
Taran Conyers @ The Digi Chick
Alpha Stitched Alpha
Fonts Christophers hand, CK Alis Hand