STAY WEIRD - Rob is a natural born entertainer. He keeps us laughing with his stories, songs and dances. He loves his wife, Melis and their four kids: son, Reed and daughters, Quinci, Izzie and Emmie. The girls outnumber the guys and they pretty much rule the roost. They have Rob wrapped around their finger, especially the youngest, Emmie. She loves to play with her dad and Rob doesn’t care what she makes him do or wear as long as he can just sit and rest in his chair. So whether he is dressed in disguise to deliver secret Halloween treats, rocking out as Rainbow Bright Unicorn, giving TV-worthy advise as Doctor Flamingo or just enjoying a beauty mask with his girls, we love him and all of his fun and crazy ways! Stay weird Rob! Stay Weird!
Template: Envole-toi by Heartstrings Scrap Art
Kit: I Am Unique by Heartstrings Scrap Art