

My ten yr old DS.. title is a play on 'teenanger' which are supposedly the tough years.. ha!!! I know I'm not alone, other mothers have told me they have the same issues with their 10-11 year olds. He still has very sweet moments.. but I would love a few hours of that sweetness every now and than :)

Everything from Boys R Us by Lindsay Jane

Journaling: It seems like you turned ten and turned angry at just about anything and everything. You were at one time a sweet, loving, and gentle nine year old. Im hoping I have some portion of that child back at some point. I love you greatly and nothing will change that although at times your stinky attitude challenges that love. I get that your changing and growing but at some point you need to learn to deal with that without it being at the expense of those that love you the most.
love your journaling...I know I went through this as well with my Son...don't worry it does get better...your page design is wonderful, love the ribbons and fab clustering!! :)

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