I learned a long time ago that the only aspect of our lives with which we have any control, is the futurefrom this second forward. You cant change the past and it does very little good to dwell upon past mistakes in judgment, with the exception of learning from them. Cherish your triumphs, and fill your hearts with joy for every happy moment you can recall. To berate yourself about the past is destructive, and tends to perpetuate the negative. It ruins the now as well as the future. Why waster your time with that? Make a deal with yourselfdont wait till New Years Evedo it nowthe any time negativity enters your mind, you will cast it out and replace it with a positive, constructive thought. Even the Bible tells to think on all things that are good.
Everything in this lo was made with the collaborative kit by:
NewlifeDreams, Kasia Designs & MK Designs @ Shabby Pickle, Happy New Year