Vibrant Personality

Vibrant Personality

Hi girls! This is my sis kayla (again, hahaha) Thanks for looking :)

Journaling: There is no deyning that, as a 17 year old, you have your fair share of mood swings. However, you can't argue with the fact that when you smile, you can light up a room. Your laugh is contagious, and the funny things you say (especially when you are trying to impress us with your knowledge) never fail to bring about laughter. Just one more reason I love you, baby girl. holly


Natali Design:
Essential elements
Essential papers
Grungy frames
Playing with Twine
Ribbon frames

Natalie Braxton:
Primary Plus
Jump ring Ribbons #3
Knotty Little Ribbons
Funky Froggy Doodles
Love, Joy& Peace
Swirly Whirly Strings
Mix and Match Flowers

Syrin's Red Chipboard alpha
Catrine's Alpha Links-Pauline

Amy Martin: Rubberband shapes
Jenna Desai: Fancy Paisleys
This is incredibly awesome. Love the journaling, love the LO and yep as the title mentions.... a vibrant LO for a vibrant personality!
I have to scream .. Im so happy that this brilliat scrapper joined my CT team!! Thank you so much Hollie, this page is fantastic .. as always.

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